maanantai 21. tammikuuta 2013

Katja Luhtala; Boats

Katja Luhtala: BOATS


Säv.&san. Katja Luhtala

45700 327200 441301

Boats, boats, boats Arriving to the harbors Near the big cities 
The rocky cost, the black sand Boats that nobody´s waiting for 
Nobody in the harbor with the signs with the names on ´em No welcoming hugs

Boats Boats

And it´s snowing on the mountains 
Where the lonely eagle eye sees the millions of snowflakes fall
That the billion dollar baby
Never gonna see 
From the bottom of the sea

Boats, boats, boats That nobody´s waiting for Boats arriving to the harbors
Near the big cities Cities with people in different colors Indifferent people
Boats, sometimes they arrive empty Sometimes they don´t arrive at all
Boats, full of dirty clothes, hopes, wishes, sweat and tears

Boats Boats

And it´s snowing on the mountains 
Where the lonely eagle eye sees the millions of snowflakes fall
That the billion dollar baby
Never gonna see 
From the bottom of the sea

Well, you might ask What is the problem with the boats?
Let me tell you The problem with the boats is that

Baby and the others they wanted to see The frozen cities the golden towers and the different machines, all the different machines
Baby and the others they wanted to see The mountains of food the mountains of clothes And the temples for the food and the temples for the clothes and the money tree, money tree, money, money, money Money tree
And the money tree money tree, money money money money Money tree

So, you might ask, what is the problem with the money tree? Let me tell you
The problem with the money tree is that the money tree is big but it´s not big enough for all The money tree is just for us

Us Us

And that´s why nobody cares that when 

it´s snowing on the mountains 
Where the lonely eagle eye sees the millions of snowflakes fall
the billion dollar baby is 
Never gonna see it
From the bottom of the sea

And although the money tree is just for us, just for us The boats still keep on arriving
To the harbors of our safe European home The boats 
Full of dirty clothes, hopeswishes, sweat and tears The boats The boats 

45700 327000 441000 277400 66800 73300… … 


Numbers source: UNHCR 2011 global refugee statistics.

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